Friday, February 17, 2006

I think the room is finished!

I left everything set up last night. I couldn't tell if the trim paint was going to cover the teal in one coat. The door frames look fine, but I put two coats of wall color on them as I was painting the walls. The window frames will need another coat of white, but as we were painting, we noticed that they also need some caulking, so I'll do that second coat after the caulk. The only question at the moment is the back of the door. I forgot to check that when I was up there.

Samuel is working on a rough draft of an essay on peregrine falcons. After that he wants to run up to the dollar store to buy some glow sticks for his scout campout this evening. Apparently the boys use them to play something akin to capture-the-flag in the dark. (And then they come home scratched to pieces after diving into brambles to get the other team's glow stick.) A cold, rainy night is not my idea of a fun night for camping, but I'm not a twelve-year-old boy. Thank goodness they have adventurous adult "boys" to take them adventuring!

Now that much of the snow has melted, James hauled four wheelbarrow loads of firewood to his wood pile. He has discovered that red bud wood is HEAVY! I'm thinking we need a larger yard to hold James's firewood. Since he can't give up his habit of collecting free firewood, we're going to build a hot tub with a wood-stove heater on the back patio this summer. I love my husband!


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