Thursday, February 16, 2006

Almost finished!

So, when did I tell James that we'd have our room finished??? I can't remember if I said it would be done before Kyle got here, or if we'd be moved back in before Kyle's arrival this weekend. At any rate, the color coats are finished. All that is left is to paint the trim and inside of the door white. (Yes, Mother, bright white! And my walls follow the rule you taught us-all walls should be painted just off white-NOT gold of any variety!)

Hey, siblings mine. Did I mention that rumor has it someone (or two someones) intend to paint the walls of their house in Florida ANTIQUE GOLD??? Who is she, and what has she done with our mother????

Guess I ought to go find something productive to do. But it won't be painting until after dinner. I have to let the walls dry a bit. The I/we will do the trim and start the clean-up. (Although I hear James pulling down the masking tape from the ceiling as I type.) I want to scrub the floor while the room is empty, and then we need to move the dresser & chest back into the room. I can carry the drawers, but the cabinets are too large/heavy to move with only Samuel's assistance. Somehow I suspect Kyle would appreciate being able to get to his bed when he gets here.


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