Sunday, July 30, 2006

Don't want you to miss out, Liza, . . .

. . .so we're postponing the kitchen remodeling project until you get back from Hungary.

Actually, we looked at our finances, and decided that paying for that project would in effect be borrowing money, since it would delay paying off our Home Equity Line of Credit. We've been teaching the kids about the hazards of debt recently, and have been working all year to pay off the ELOC as quickly as possible. Obviously, we haven't been fanatics about it. We've still been paying for lessons for the kids, going out for dinner once or twice a month as a family, and once a month as a couple, and then there are projects like the rain barrels that still draw on the funds. We know we could be even more agressive about clearing debt, but at this level we're making good progress without a sense of deprivation.

From that perspective, and also wanting to maintain our emergency fund (particularly in the event of a short notice trip to Hungary or someplace), we have chosen to postpone our kitchen project for one more year. We figure that by next fall we can have the ELOC paid off and save money to pay for the cabinets and so forth. (There was also a bit of sticker shock as we wandered around Home Depot pricing the alternatives this afternoon. $2000 for James's pantry!) Even after I explained to the clerk that we were just starting the process, and wanted to get some ideas of costs so that we could save for it, he just kept talking about different financing options.

What has happened to American society that our salesmen can't even conceive of saving to pay cash? Guess this is just another example of our counter-culture tendencies.

We did buy a chest freezer while we were out this afternoon. The money is in the checking account. It's on sale for $50 off, and we've been planning on getting one for several months. It has the energy star rating, and the baskets we'd been looking for. Basic. But it meets our needs. It'll just have to live in the basement for a while. (Mom K-turns out we don't have to rewire a new circuit for it down there, just the outlet, so we're taking your advice.) (And if this takes care of the urge to remodel the kitchen, so much the better???)


At 1:31 PM, Blogger Liza said...

Hmm, maybe I just won't come back until it's done. :D


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