Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Where's my chauffeur's cap???

I should have known it was going to be a busy day when the block on the calendar was too full to fit another line into today's activities!

By 8 AM this morning, when my student arrived for tutoring, I'd already put the second load of laundry in the washing machine, worked with Samuel for half an hour or so finding practice tests for his Algebra exam for credit that he'll be taking tomorrow morning-after almost two months since he finished his algebra studies. It wasn't until we tried to set up his schedule for school this Fall that they mentioned he needed to take this test. (I did ask when I went in during the first week of May!)

After tutoring I dropped Samuel at his orthodontic appointment, took Liza to get her picture for her visa application (Nothing like waiting until the last minute, Liza, my love!) then dropped her at home and went back to talk to the orthodontist about Samuel's continuing treatment (Grow those jaws, Samuel!). Then it was a quick stop by the house to pick up Miriam and Liza, and drop the twins at the library. Oops, we're missing a paper for the visa application. Another quick stop by the house. Oh, Kyle, what are you doing on the computer? Guess you'll be coming with us. Get dressed quickly while we find the missing paper. Then drive into DC to the Hungarian embassy. . .Have I mentioned I really don't enjoy driving in the city?

Home, sort of, to pick up the twins from the library, and grab a late lunch. Then down to the Naval Station to reserve the pool for Liza's farewell party. Then back to the library to drop Miriam at the end-of-the-season thanks-for-helping pizza party for the library volunteers. James is out the door to pick up Miriam and take the three "local" kids to their youth group activities this evening. Then there's Scout Troop Committee later this evening.

Just another day with a houseful of active teens.

It's great to be alive! (And I'll REALLY enjoy my quiet week next week!)

PS-For friends & family in the area, save the evening of August 24th for Liza's big send off!


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