Saturday, June 17, 2006

Proud of my kids!

We're having a wonderful week with the four kids here, and time to relax and enjoy each other's company. Tori "joined us" for a trip to the pool yesterday afternoon, but ended up driving her sibs to the pool in Annapolis after both Navy pools were closed. James made the stir-fry including our green beans and turnip greens, and Tori stayed for dinner after their swim. It's so much fun to have them all here and laughing together.

So, why am I proud of them? This morning the four resident teenagers got up and out the door by 8 AM to help our neighbor clean out her late husband's boat so that she can get it sold. Besides being very early for a voluntary wake-up, especially for a work project, today is almost ten degrees warmer than it has been this week, and fifteen or more warmer than days earlier this month. And de-junking a boat is dirty, hot, and sweaty work. They didn't quite get it finished before the heat got overwhelming, but Melissa is very appreciative of how far they got.

And, with their aforementioned interest in playing D&D this evening, the boys had the great idea to do their family work project time last night, before the boat work. Good thinking, guys! (Now, if Miriam will just get her windows cleaned. . .)


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