Friday, June 16, 2006

Our First Harvest of the Season

It may not seem like much, but here it is. . .
The picture was James's idea, but the excitement is mine. These are the first of the earliest beans we planted, and I nibbled a few on the way from the garden to the pot. We definitely don't have enough to serve everyone a full serving as a side dish, but they'll be great in tonight's stir-fry. (And they are delicious raw!)

It's sometimes funny to step back and look at how much we enjoy the (tiny!) "harvests" from our garden.

We're far from feeding ourselves from the produce of our hands and land, but we really do enjoy the time spent "digging in the dirt", so our mealtime contributions are bonus results. And we're figuring out how to improve things as we go along. Maybe next year. . .after we've sheet-mulched a few more beds. After all, these beans came from the earliest of the green beans in an area of two or three square feet, and came from the plants that survived a very hungry slug (before we got on top of that threat to our harvest!). And we'll have berry bushes in this fall, for small harvests next spring, and more in following years!


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