Thursday, April 27, 2006


have found the thistle feeder! It has been up a week, or is it two? Today is the first time I've seen finches on the feeder. The male came by, checked it out and flew off. A few minutes later, he was back with a female. I just had to call James to share the excitement! (Simple pleasures)

I planted the three sisters-corn, beans & squash- on Tuesday, along with more bush beans and soybeans. For corn, we chose calico popcorn. I couldn't decide between acorn squash and "nutty delica" squash, so we have two hills of each. And then half the bed is planted in scarlet runner beans, and the other half in Rattlesnake beans-speckled pods that curl into spirals.

The first beans I planted, ten days ago, are breaking into the sunshine!

By the way, the azaleas are gorgeous (if you want to come by, you're welcome). James and I are planning to head into DC to visit the National Arboretum sometime this weekend. If you haven't seen a hill covered in azaleas in full bloom, I'd recommend the experience!


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