Sunday, July 23, 2006

Yard progress update

Things are really moving along in our yard this summer. Last week I cut down most of the remaining forsythia, and chopped it into little pieces to be used when we sheet mulch more of the backyard for berries and more vegetable beds. James and the boys pulled the ivy from the forsythia bed and cut back some of the neighboring shrubs. Those cuttings are almost chopped up as well. (Teenagers aren't as determined to see that finished as we are, for some reason???)

The first planting of the fall crop of lettuces and turnips were seeded last weekend, and it's still exciting to see the tiny seedlings poking through the mulch of dead weeds & grasses we pulled at planting time.

The funniest piece of the garden is the winter squash vine that has escaped the three sisters' bed by climbing five feet over the euonymus at the bottom of that bed!

The front yard is in full bloom with hostas, echinacea, black-eyed susans (everywhere!), another tall prairie flower whose name I've forgotten, royal burgundy beans, my first ever bloom of lavender (Thank you for tending them so carefully, James!), and the odd dianthus and lily bloom persisting past their fellows. Combined with the delights of fresh local peaches and canteloupes for breakfast, I'm thinking summer is my favorite season. (But don't hold me to that. I'll change my mind when the spring bulbs come up, if not before then!)

Phase Two of James's rain barrel project is collecting rain water for our water conservation agenda. You can see pictures on James's blog. While there, be sure to check out the pictures of our new pond!

The pond has been this weekend's project. James dug the hole by himself yesterday. We then lined the hole with plastic, and covered that with pieces of carpet to protect the plastic from punctures and sunlight. We learned that trick during our visit to Earthaven Ecovillage in May. Above the pond is a small graywater marsh to filter shower water before it runs into the pond. We'll know it's working when the amphibians inhabit the pond. (And just think, when I contemplated the idea of a marsh, James nixed it rather firmly! Just like the berries, grapes, fruit trees, etc. That's what I've been teasing him about this week, since three or four of the ideas I've had nixed in recent months have been proposed as possibilities this week. Hmmm. Must be VERY careful what I suggest! And I really love you, James!-even if I tease you in this public forum.)

I also have a new echinacea and a lily waiting to go into the friendship garden. They were a thank-you gift from friends for a bit of calligraphy I did for their wedding. I may have to enlarge that bed soon. It's quite a reminder of being surrounded by so many people who love me!


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