Saturday, July 29, 2006

Liza's lug-GAGE!

Our darling Liza had been asking when her luggage was going to get here. So Thursday afternoon, when she went into Annapolis to do some shopping with her friend Tyne, it finally arrived. Miriam came wandering in from the yard, asking, "What are these big boxes on the front porch?" We figured out that that were Liza's luggage, and were going to leave them there to greet Liza upon her return. Unfortunately, James couldn't carry the bucket between them and the two pots of flowers that were still waiting to be planted, so he brought the boxes in and set them against the wall in the livingroom.

Liza was out a bit longer than she'd planned, and we ended up turning out lights and going up to bed. Liza came in quietly, and tiptoed upstairs to check in-so she wouldn't wake James if he'd already gone to sleep. We chatted for a bit. I commented on how quietly she'd come in, and sent Miriam back downstairs to turn on the light. (Very unusual behavior for Mom, but Liza still didn't notice the boxes at the foot of the stairs-even when she had to squeeze past them to get to the sofa to show Miriam what she had purchased.)

When Liza didn't squeal right away, I went downstairs to join them, and leaned on one of the boxes while I looked at all of Liza's purchases. After a bit I started drumming my fingers on the box, and Miriam practically choked on her laughter. Liza was still very focused. Having finished approving of Liza's purchases, Miriam could stand it no longer and innocently asked, "So, Liza, when are you going to pack all your stuff?"

Putting on her stage pout and turning toward me, Liza started to reply, "I can't pack until I get my lug-GAGE! IT'S HERE! IT CAME!"

Miriam and I fell apart laughing!

Liza quickly opened the first box, and had it open by the time Samuel made it into the room to figure out what was going on. Yes, Liza likes her new suitcases, and the larger one is big enough to zip closed with her brother inside! But we couldn't grab the camera fast enough to get a picture, sorry.


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