Tuesday, November 20, 2007

On top of school, but life around the edges . . .

I know I haven't been posting in ages. . . Oh, well. I'm still figuring out how to keep up with the game. We're in the final stretch of the semester and it's looking do-able. I am having a blast! I'll try to get a kid update up sometime over the long weekend (in between grading 60 student research projects, writing a 20-page paper, and reading a book or three!).

Just wanted to get a quick post up to celebrate the gorgeous colors on my drive in this morning. I'm reminded of an impressionist painting with the golds and reds and rusts and oranges showing between the evergreens and the few deciduous trees that are still green.

Also, today is my nephew Evan's last brain surgery, so we're keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.



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