Saturday, September 08, 2007

Busy week-school's back in session

From a week that started a bit sleep-deprived after spending last weekend with house guests-two five-year-olds and a toddler!- through four days of class and into this weekend when I need to read at least two books and part of two more, I guess I'd have to say we're into the school year. Not to mention Back-to-school night on Thursday. . .

It's quite a change having to read at a pace with others. Sure, I read at least 17 books in August (those are the ones I remembered to add to my reading list/bibliography), but they were on a variety of subjects, and most were written with a popular audience in mind. Books written for an academic audience tend to be more densely packed with detail, and I've been feeling like I'm learning another language. Sure, I recognize almost all of the words in any given sentence, but deriving meaning from the combination can be a challenge. And when I do, information overload takes over very quickly.

What am I supposed to do when just the introduction to the book gives me more ideas and questions than I have room to discuss or raise in the entire "journal post" I am supposed to send to the class? Check in at my sociology blog if you want details.

Other than a brief issue with the professor I'm working with, which was resolved the same day it came up, the week has gone very well. I'm really enjoying the mental challenge, the new ideas, and generally just plain being in the academic community. The driving is not as stressful as I thought it might be. Part of that is choosing to go in before rush hour, and making it home before rush hour builds up too much most days. Of course, there was Wednesday. If I had the sun rising in my mirror on my way in, and setting in my mirror on the way home-after having my late class canceled for the week, and it's only the first week of September. . .what is November going to be like??? (Dark to dark and then some! Silly question, Mary.)

Going in early also means I have my office to myself most of the time, because after all, college students aren't morning people. (And neither are most graduate professors judging by the quiet hallways!) I'm still working on the time management components, and figuring out how to prioritize and process all the new ideas and responsibilities.

I appreciate James's support so much! The kids have been great, and help out where they think of it, but James is the one catching the brunt of the adjustments. He's doing virtually all of the shuttling of kids and household management. And to top it off, he's there to answer questions when I run into a challenge with making a chart in Excel or such. I am so blessed to have him supporting me in this!

Samuel's working on preparations for his Eagle project. The girls and I are planning on doing the GlamourShots thing next Friday-one last fling before Liza heads out to Washington the following week. James is keeping the gardens going, and the beans are really prolific this year. This morning he picked and prepped two gallon-sized bags plus a big pot for dinner! We may actually be able to grow most of a year's supply of green beans for our family.


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