Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Matching curtains!

I did it! I finally made two panels that actually match! They are the same width, and have the motifs going in the same direction, and the trim lines are the same, and. . .

Unfortunately, now that I've got the pattern figured out, I have to modify it slightly to make the last panel. The one that will share that window is only 5, not 9, motifs wide (oops! miscounted while waiting in the airport) and needs an extra-wide panel to give it enough fullness. I'll probably start that one this weekend, after I catch up with my readings and when I have time to concentrate.

This panel took less than two weeks. I started it Tuesday of orientation (8/21), did nothing more until worked on it while visiting in Christiansburg the following weekend, and finished it while sitting on the sofa making sure my niece and nephews were safe this past weekend. (I tried to read for class, but that was more stressful than productive. . . "Aunty Mary! Aunty Mary!" while trying to translated words into meaning in a new field just wasn't going to work!) Crocheting was something I could do while they talked to me, and the twins took turns "helping" me by pulling off loops of thread as they chattered.



At 1:52 PM, Blogger James said...

Those are some of the most beautiful curtains I think I've ever seen! You did a fantastic job!

Love you!



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