Monday, January 16, 2006

Teamwork for success

The trim is finished, and the work space cleaned up. It sure feels good, and looks clean and fresh.

James and I are getting quite a system going on this. I am able to, but don't enjoy, smoothing the walls with drywall mud. He doesn't enjoy painting. This provides a very logical split on home improvement projects, even if my mother thinks he's crazy. She taught me well to enjoy the painting process, especially if I'm doing it right. (In her book that means putting white paint on the walls, but off-white is acceptable. . .barely.)

This division of labor on a joint project is unusual for us. James and I generally enjoy spending our project time together, since work keeps us apart so much of the week. We look forward to the time when our financial independence plan comes together, and we are both able to do most of our work at or from home. Our different strengths and interests are part of what makes us such a strong team.

The synergy of different strengths is the essence of the mastermind concept. Harness the abilities, and perspectives, of a few trusted advisors/teammates, to enhance your progress toward your own goals. The others you will want to involve will vary, depending on your project/goals.

Is there an area in your life you are ready to kick into high gear? I'd love to hear about it, and if a coach is part of your dream team, please give me a call/email. If it's not up my alley, I'll be glad to link you up with a colleague who might be a better fit.



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