Tuesday, November 28, 2006

RED! Yeah, Samuel!

Yes, I know I've been absent for too long. Maybe I'll get a catch up post done soon, or maybe I won't. But I want to share a celebration with all my loyal readers (Hi, Mom!).

We're just home from Samuel's kung fu testing, and he passed. He will now be wearing a red belt until he earns his black one sometime in 2008. He looked great, and we weren't the only ones who thought he had the best form. He didn't get the certificate, because that goes to one of the lower belts, but he really did look sharp! From here it's at least nine months of lessons three times/week, and then a minimum of six tests at monthly intervals, but more likely nine, to earn his black belt. James has promised Samuel a snazzy pair of silk pajamas when he achieves that landmark.

Other bragging on Samuel- Court of Honor is next week, and Samuel will receive his Life Scout rank advancement and a stack of merit badges. He only has five or six more merit badges and his project to complete the requirements for Eagle, along with almost six months of activity and leadership responsibilities in the troop. And he has most of those merit badges just about finished, except for needing to complete the interviews with the counselors.

We've teased Samuel about being hyperactive, or an over-achiever. He refuses both labels, but proudly claims the title of hyper-achiever. (Did I mention that he did earn straight A's for his first marking period back in school after 2 1/2 years of home schooling? James has started teasing him with obstacles to completing his homework so we won't have to buy him a computer at the end of the year.) He was also asked to play percussion in the select group that will be accompanying the school chorus in their holiday concert next month.

Guess tonight is Samuel's spotlight. Sure am proud of you, Son!


At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey samuel
I sure am proud of you too
I didn't know anyone your age had that much time to get things done
keep up the great work
love ya lots
gma k

At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Sam'l!!

I knew there was a reason that he's a part of the family! ;)

love y'all

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Liza said...

Tell my widdle brudda I'm proud of him. :)


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